SheyWest Garden Center Grapples With City Signage Issues

Mark Jillstring
"Garden Center Grapples"

Jodi Kallias, owner of SheyWest Garden Center, expressed concerns regarding a new city signage that potentially obstructs the visibility of her business from the road. Despite numerous meetings with city officials, a resolution has not been finalized.

SheyWest, appreciatively recognized by City Commissioner Mandy George as a significant local enterprise, is facing parking issues due to a “no parking” sign set up next to the garden center. The city is considering potential solutions such as introducing a new parking scheme or modifying the present traffic system.

The situation involves more than just the livelihood of SheyWest Garden Center, it’s a multifaceted issue concerning other businesses, traffic management, and safety concerns. All parties involved are driven to urgently address this matter for the benefit of all.

Founded in 2020, SheyWest Garden Center, located near a local recycling depot, experienced a setback in 2022 when a petition to utilize a city-owned street for access to the business was turned down. However, Kallias pursued other access routes, and by 2023, a shared driveway agreement was secured with a neighboring property owner, enhancing the business accessibility.

Kallias’ Facebook post on the issue gained significant attention and support. The strong public sentiment reflected a collective dissatisfaction with the city’s policy and an inherent need for more inclusive measures.

As a response, Commissioner George suggested the formation of a city team, led by Commissioner Roben Anderson, to address the parking challenges at SheyWest Garden Center. The team would comprise experienced city employees from different fields such as building planning and public transportation. It plans to efficiently address the issues faced by the garden center.

Despite the current challenges, Kallias clarified that her stance is not one of antipathy towards the city authorities, but gratitude for the support received. Her goal remains to grow and adapt, continuing to serve the local community regardless of the setbacks encountered.

Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Innovator. Mark pursued his education degree in Computer Science. During his time at university, he became fascinated with the intersection of technology and social impact, setting the stage for his future endeavors.