Natalie Shew Enhances Nursing Efficiency Via AI Platform

Henry Jollster
"Nursing Efficiency Enhancement"

Natalie Shew, healthcare entrepreneur and Founder and CEO of a nursing management platform, is dedicated to increasing nursing productivity by lessening the administrative load. Her platform is just the latest in a series of health-centric businesses she has launched, all with a common objective of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness within the healthcare industry.

Shew was instrumental in the creation of a women’s health innovation center which supports female entrepreneurs in the healthcare and wellness sectors. Providing resources, guidance, and an inclusive environment, the center propels women to produce revolutionary health and wellness solutions, hosts regular workshops and networking events, and is committed to fostering advancement in women’s health.

The principal tenant of Shew’s entrepreneurial philosophy is “fail fast, fail early,” a strategy she has found particularly crucial within the health sector. Recognizing that not all ventures succeed immediately, her resilient disposition and swift learning from errors have been invaluable, especially in the rapidly evolving health sector where adaptability is key.

Shew also places high emphasis on prioritizing customer needs despite the challenges. Asserting that understanding customer preferences and behaviors can significantly enhance a company’s ability to keep their customers satisfied. She believes businesses that fail to prioritize customers may struggle in a competitive market. Shew advocates for a relentless focus on customer service as a path to convince customer retention and loyalty, leading to sustained business growth.

Shew recently enlarged the team at her business, EmployWell, with the appointment of Robin Mangieri as Chief of Clinic Engagement. EmployWell, focused on reducing the annual $570 billion spent by nurses on administrative costs, incorporates modern technologies, like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), to reach its goal.

Currently, EmployWell is in the prototype phase, receiving valuable feedback from clinic administrators. With the fertility health industry burgeoning, Shew foresees a significant surge in the demand for EmployWell’s services. To meet this demand, she plans to further expand the team by the year-end, with key hires like a full-time Vice President of Technology.