IRS Chief Enhances Experience for High-Earning Taxpayers

Sam Donaldston
"Chief Experience"

Ken Corbin, Chief Taxpayer Experience Officer at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), is working to enhance the dealings between the IRS and taxpayers. His particular focus is on high-earning individuals with substantial tax arrears.

His approach involves greater personalization, which he believes can significantly boost IRS efficiency. This method requires extensive engagement – regular reminders, updates, and assistance to navigate complex tax laws.

Modern technology also plays a critical role in Corbin’s strategy. Its usage is aimed at streamlining tax procedures and increasing convenience for taxpayers.

A part of this renewed approach, over 25,000 notifications were sent to individuals earning over $1 million annually who haven’t filed tax returns since 2017. This campaign will extend to include approximately 30,000 additional high earners who remain non-compliant.

This initiative aims to improve revenue collection and encourage regular tax filing among high-income individuals. It also signifies the government’s commitment to fairness and equity in tax law administration.

While COVID-19 initially disrupted these activities, IRS’s tax collection duties are resuming. Taxpayers who owe will start receiving liability notices. To help those facing financial distress, the IRS offers several relief mechanisms, including payment plans and temporary collection delays.

It is to be noted that all IRS communications are made via mail. The IRS does not contact taxpayers via email or social media for personal or financial information.

While targeting high-income taxpayers, the IRS ensures other taxpayers will also benefit from proposed budget modifications, anticipated to decrease costs by $80 billion. High-income individuals may see increased scrutiny, but all taxpayers should see evidence of the IRS’s commitment to financial equity.

Corbin, in his role since 2023, works to increase communication transparency, uphold taxpayer rights, and encourage compliance. He aims to make the IRS more responsive and accessible, and he continually reviews IRS operations for areas of potential improvement.

Corbin further emphasizes the importance of taxpayers reading all mail they receive from the IRS to avoid misunderstandings and the exacerbation of issues. This advice highlights his dedication to maintaining open and clear communication between the IRS and taxpayers.

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Sam Donaldston emerged as a trailblazer in the realm of technology, born on January 12, 1988. After earning a degree in computer science, Sam co-founded a startup that redefined augmented reality, establishing them as a leading innovator in immersive technology. Their commitment to social impact led to the founding of a non-profit, utilizing advanced tech to address global issues such as clean water and healthcare.